We work on a number of projects to help the community around us to help boost social welfare and the surrounding economy.
If you would be interested in supporting any of these great causes please don't hesitate to get in touch. All donations would be appreciated.
Homa Lime helps farmers locally to develop their cane farms and tree plantations and to harvest and transport their crops to the mills (click on Nyando Valley Development Trust). In addition we allow neighbours to collect water from us and we maintain many of the roads in the area, ensuring accessibility to neighbouring properties.

Legetet Primary School
We have built our own primary school, Legetet Hill Primary School on the farm. The capital cost of establishing this school was borne by the Company but we do charge fees to cover the day-to-day running, including the teachers' salaries. This school is non-profit making and when it does start to show a profit this will be used to improve the facilities.

Homa Lime has been appointed an agent for Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd (CROPNUTS).
CROPNUTS was established in 1998 and is East Africa's leading independent, ISO17025 accredited soil, plant & water testing laboratory. CROPNUTS provides soil testing services to farmers through its DAKTARI wa UDONGO (Soil Doctor) Agent program. CROPNUTS will carry out full soil analysis on farmers soils and advise on the correct amount and type of lime and fertilizers to correct and balance your soil conditions for the particular crop you wish to grow.

Kenya Markets Trust
Homa Lime have partnered with Kenya Markets Trust since 2015 in creating awareness on the soil acidity situation in Western Kenya and parts of central with liming as a mitigation measure and the results have been encouraging with farmers recording tripled yield in certain cases.

Jersey cow
We have also been heavily involved in the building of St. John's Primary, Koru Girl's Secondary and Ruke Primary School. In addition to this we have been involved in the building and maintenance as well as donating building materials and land to many other schools, health clinics and churches in the area.
Other projects
Homa Lime tree nursery
Before application of lime
After application of lime